Joker’- the film starring megastar Akshay Kumar & Sonakshi Sinha is said to be a another big film for the year. After a blockbuster like Rowdy Rathore, audiences are keen to see the couple again rocking together. Being a film produced by successful Filmmaker Farah Khan, the expectations are high from Joker which is releasing on 31st August 2012. Though film is much awaited, the little disappointment for the fans is the length of the film. The film is only on 105 minutes which will be the shortest masala entertainer film. On the top of it, it is also reportedly said that Akshay Kumar is not fully satisfy with the way film is been made. He therefore didn’t appear much for the promotion of the film. Repotedly Akshay was also upset that Farah took the Aliens of films to meet Shah Rukh Khan. Well all the speculations are at their place about the future of the film but main news is that Joker is the shortest commercial multi-starrer film ever made in Bollywood. But the makers of the film taking this positively saying, shorter length will mean they can schedule more shows at multiplexes. Source: Page3
Joker going to be shortest entertainment.
Joker’- the film starring megastar Akshay Kumar & Sonakshi Sinha is said to be a another big film for the year. After a blockbuster like Rowdy Rathore, audiences are keen to see the couple again rocking together. Being a film produced by successful Filmmaker Farah Khan, the expectations are high from Joker which is releasing on 31st August 2012. Though film is much awaited, the little disappointment for the fans is the length of the film. The film is only on 105 minutes which will be the shortest masala entertainer film. On the top of it, it is also reportedly said that Akshay Kumar is not fully satisfy with the way film is been made. He therefore didn’t appear much for the promotion of the film. Repotedly Akshay was also upset that Farah took the Aliens of films to meet Shah Rukh Khan. Well all the speculations are at their place about the future of the film but main news is that Joker is the shortest commercial multi-starrer film ever made in Bollywood. But the makers of the film taking this positively saying, shorter length will mean they can schedule more shows at multiplexes. Source: Page3