Nana Patekar is one Kamaal Dhamaal for the actor whose dedication makes everyone Malamaal in terms of learning. Recently, for the Percept Pictures’ Kamaal Dhamaal Malamaal shoot, Nana Patekar was dot on time despite a back injury. When quizzed about his pain, Nana was quick to retort, “injuries are like guests. If you treat them well and pamper them, they stay back and refuse to go away. You need to be aloof about their existence and they leave as quickly as they came.” A guffawing Nana Patekar effortlessly lifted Shreyas Talpade on his shoulders for a pose for Priyadarshan-driected KDM, as though to prove his point. “It is important for each of us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We need to let go of addictions. I have. So can you. And once you are healthy, go for walks, do yoga and quit bad habits like smoking and drinking, you will be fit and fine,” says Nana. Source: Page3
Nana Patekar lifts Shreyas despite back injury.
Nana Patekar is one Kamaal Dhamaal for the actor whose dedication makes everyone Malamaal in terms of learning. Recently, for the Percept Pictures’ Kamaal Dhamaal Malamaal shoot, Nana Patekar was dot on time despite a back injury. When quizzed about his pain, Nana was quick to retort, “injuries are like guests. If you treat them well and pamper them, they stay back and refuse to go away. You need to be aloof about their existence and they leave as quickly as they came.” A guffawing Nana Patekar effortlessly lifted Shreyas Talpade on his shoulders for a pose for Priyadarshan-driected KDM, as though to prove his point. “It is important for each of us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We need to let go of addictions. I have. So can you. And once you are healthy, go for walks, do yoga and quit bad habits like smoking and drinking, you will be fit and fine,” says Nana. Source: Page3