Yash Chopra, the creator of larger-than-life Bollywood romances, is considered the ultimate king of romance. And as he turns 80 on September 27, who better than the actor who brought those romances to life — Shah Rukh Khan — to pay an homage to the master filmmaker? It’s been learnt that SRK will be celebrating Chopra’s birthday in a special manner — with a personal conversation with the filmmaker about his journey in Bollywood. “Some of SRK’s biggest hits have been with Yashji and his banner. So, we will witness SRK talk to him about his life, films and his entire journey. It’s an homage to Yash Chopra. It was the Yash Raj Films team who came up with the idea, and Shah Rukh was very excited about it,” says an insider. SRK has also expressed his happiness at working with Chopra again in his latest, Jab Tak Hai Jaan.Many feel this might be his last directorial venture. “SRK is the only one from the present generation of actors who has worked so extensively with Yashji. The event is being planned on a big level. Yashji generally doesn’t face the camera,” reveals the insider. Although the venue is yet to be decided, SRK is likely to talk to Chopra on topics such as the grandeur of his movies, his films’ stylish heroines, his penchant for poetic love stories and also about his initial (non-romantic) films such as Waqt (1965), Daag (1973) and Deewar (1975). “Not many tend to remember that before making romantic films, Chopra also directed some intense ones,” adds the insider. Meanwhile, all information about Jab Tak Hai Jaan has been closely guarded. “They have just returned from Switzerland, where Yashji finished shooting the last song for the film. The schedule only required SRK and Katrina (Kaif). Now, the film is in post-production,” says the insider. While Chopra and SRK couldn’t be reached for comments, the spokesperson of their upcoming film confirms, “Yes, we are planning a special event with SRK on Yashji’s birthday. The details can’t be revealed right now.” The romantic hero is born Back in 1993, SRK broke away from the image of the conventional Hindi film hero with a negative role in Chopra’s Darr. According to the Encyclopedia of Hindi Cinema, “He defied the imageof the conventional hero in both these films (the other being Baazigar) and created his own version of the revisionist hero.” Two years later, the same banner, Yash Raj Films, turned SRK’s image on its head with Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. And with that, the king of romance was born. Subsequently, SRK worked with Chopra on many romantic films like Dil To Pagal Hai (1997), Mohabbatein (2000), Veer Zaara (2004) and Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008). Source: Hindustan Times
Shah Rukh Khan to pay homage to Yash Chopra on his birthday
Yash Chopra, the creator of larger-than-life Bollywood romances, is considered the ultimate king of romance. And as he turns 80 on September 27, who better than the actor who brought those romances to life — Shah Rukh Khan — to pay an homage to the master filmmaker? It’s been learnt that SRK will be celebrating Chopra’s birthday in a special manner — with a personal conversation with the filmmaker about his journey in Bollywood. “Some of SRK’s biggest hits have been with Yashji and his banner. So, we will witness SRK talk to him about his life, films and his entire journey. It’s an homage to Yash Chopra. It was the Yash Raj Films team who came up with the idea, and Shah Rukh was very excited about it,” says an insider. SRK has also expressed his happiness at working with Chopra again in his latest, Jab Tak Hai Jaan.Many feel this might be his last directorial venture. “SRK is the only one from the present generation of actors who has worked so extensively with Yashji. The event is being planned on a big level. Yashji generally doesn’t face the camera,” reveals the insider. Although the venue is yet to be decided, SRK is likely to talk to Chopra on topics such as the grandeur of his movies, his films’ stylish heroines, his penchant for poetic love stories and also about his initial (non-romantic) films such as Waqt (1965), Daag (1973) and Deewar (1975). “Not many tend to remember that before making romantic films, Chopra also directed some intense ones,” adds the insider. Meanwhile, all information about Jab Tak Hai Jaan has been closely guarded. “They have just returned from Switzerland, where Yashji finished shooting the last song for the film. The schedule only required SRK and Katrina (Kaif). Now, the film is in post-production,” says the insider. While Chopra and SRK couldn’t be reached for comments, the spokesperson of their upcoming film confirms, “Yes, we are planning a special event with SRK on Yashji’s birthday. The details can’t be revealed right now.” The romantic hero is born Back in 1993, SRK broke away from the image of the conventional Hindi film hero with a negative role in Chopra’s Darr. According to the Encyclopedia of Hindi Cinema, “He defied the imageof the conventional hero in both these films (the other being Baazigar) and created his own version of the revisionist hero.” Two years later, the same banner, Yash Raj Films, turned SRK’s image on its head with Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge. And with that, the king of romance was born. Subsequently, SRK worked with Chopra on many romantic films like Dil To Pagal Hai (1997), Mohabbatein (2000), Veer Zaara (2004) and Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008). Source: Hindustan Times