Shahrukh Khan is presently in Kashmir shooting for Yash Chopra’s untitled film. On Teachers’ Day, today, he took to Twitter and wrote: “On Teachers day...let me gıve u ten sılly teachıngs. Warning..these r in jest.” 1. "The fewer the facts u have..the stronger wıll be ur opınıon" 2. "The only person who can get all hıs work done by Frıday ıs Robınson Crusoe...the rest cant so dont be hard on urself. Enjoy the weekend" 3. "Women do come wıth ınstructıons....all u need to do ıs ask them and more ımportantly HEAR them." 4. "Gırls, men who use Emotıcons ın theır msgs r extremely 'cute' and extremely avoıdable...they r EMOtıonally CONfused" 5. "Once ın a whıle look up at the sky and say a thanx for the moon...the sun...the stars and the satellıtes...for the connectıvıty" 6."Its advısable to pıck ur frıends...ur professıon...ur choıces...but just dont pıck ur nose...ever" 7."At ur daughters dance show, u wıll mıss half her performance cos u wıll mıstake sum other lıl gırl onstage for ur daughter & look at her" 8."Becos u only see 'beware of dog' sıgns & never a 'Nıce Dog' sıgn outsıde rıch ppls houses...does not mean dogs r not nıce. They are." 9."As soon we attract enuff attentıon ın the world to play a part ın ıt, we r set rollıng lıke a ball whıch wıll never agaın be at rest." 10."Make 5 pıeces of work (fılms ın my case) u wıll be remembered for...and learn one song to play on the guıtar."Source: ApunKaChoice
Shahrukh Khan shares his 10 teachings on Teachers’ Day
Shahrukh Khan is presently in Kashmir shooting for Yash Chopra’s untitled film. On Teachers’ Day, today, he took to Twitter and wrote: “On Teachers day...let me gıve u ten sılly teachıngs. Warning..these r in jest.” 1. "The fewer the facts u have..the stronger wıll be ur opınıon" 2. "The only person who can get all hıs work done by Frıday ıs Robınson Crusoe...the rest cant so dont be hard on urself. Enjoy the weekend" 3. "Women do come wıth ınstructıons....all u need to do ıs ask them and more ımportantly HEAR them." 4. "Gırls, men who use Emotıcons ın theır msgs r extremely 'cute' and extremely avoıdable...they r EMOtıonally CONfused" 5. "Once ın a whıle look up at the sky and say a thanx for the moon...the sun...the stars and the satellıtes...for the connectıvıty" 6."Its advısable to pıck ur frıends...ur professıon...ur choıces...but just dont pıck ur nose...ever" 7."At ur daughters dance show, u wıll mıss half her performance cos u wıll mıstake sum other lıl gırl onstage for ur daughter & look at her" 8."Becos u only see 'beware of dog' sıgns & never a 'Nıce Dog' sıgn outsıde rıch ppls houses...does not mean dogs r not nıce. They are." 9."As soon we attract enuff attentıon ın the world to play a part ın ıt, we r set rollıng lıke a ball whıch wıll never agaın be at rest." 10."Make 5 pıeces of work (fılms ın my case) u wıll be remembered for...and learn one song to play on the guıtar."Source: ApunKaChoice