The finale of the telly show saw both Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra promoting their respective films Heroine and Barfi!. The two ladies made separate appearance on the show, and wowed one and all with their style. Kareena looked ravishing in a Manish Malhtora orange sari and pink blouse with some intricate work done on it. In accessories she had statement earrings but kept her neck bare. Priyanka, on the other hand, opted for a short Ramona Narang dress with a hemline that ended way up her thighs. The sideward drape of the dress was surely classy, and Priyanka, with her lush tresses loose, didn’t complement it with too much accessory, save for a thin bracelet on her left wrist. The gig also saw both Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra shaking their leg on stage. While, Kareena danced to ‘Halkat Jawani’, Priyanka did look a bit conscious of her short dress while dancing to a ‘Barfi!’ number. Two pretty ladies dressed to stun. Who gets your Like? Source:
Who looks lovely: Kareena Kapoor or Priyanka Chopra?
The finale of the telly show saw both Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra promoting their respective films Heroine and Barfi!. The two ladies made separate appearance on the show, and wowed one and all with their style. Kareena looked ravishing in a Manish Malhtora orange sari and pink blouse with some intricate work done on it. In accessories she had statement earrings but kept her neck bare. Priyanka, on the other hand, opted for a short Ramona Narang dress with a hemline that ended way up her thighs. The sideward drape of the dress was surely classy, and Priyanka, with her lush tresses loose, didn’t complement it with too much accessory, save for a thin bracelet on her left wrist. The gig also saw both Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra shaking their leg on stage. While, Kareena danced to ‘Halkat Jawani’, Priyanka did look a bit conscious of her short dress while dancing to a ‘Barfi!’ number. Two pretty ladies dressed to stun. Who gets your Like? Source: