The Newbie in Bollywood Esha Gupta is seeing a good phrase of her career. After banging on lead roles in Bhatt camp's movies with Jannat 2 & now forthcoming Raaz 3, Esha looks like on seven sky. The actress has also bang on Ace filmmaker Prakash Jha's next ' Chakravhyu'. But success is not coming on easiest way, one has to compromise with their personal life when the professional life touches sky high. Esha is also facing the same situation, the actress will have to miss her cousin's wedding. She will not be able to attend the wedding function as she will be busy promoting her up-comings Raaz 3 & Chakravyuh. “The wedding is going to be a grand affair starting from 24th August to 17th September. There will also be some royal pre-wedding functions that will be held in Delhi, Jodhpur and Ludhiana. I and my family are all very excited about it. But I am feeling sad at the same time because I won’t be able to attend any of the functions. As RAAZ 3 and CHAKRAVYUH are nearing its release dates, we will be very busy with its promotions, media meets, city tours and other things. I really don’t want to miss it as it will be the first wedding in our family, but I have no option" Said Esha Gupta. Source: Page3
Esha Gupta compromising Family life
The Newbie in Bollywood Esha Gupta is seeing a good phrase of her career. After banging on lead roles in Bhatt camp's movies with Jannat 2 & now forthcoming Raaz 3, Esha looks like on seven sky. The actress has also bang on Ace filmmaker Prakash Jha's next ' Chakravhyu'. But success is not coming on easiest way, one has to compromise with their personal life when the professional life touches sky high. Esha is also facing the same situation, the actress will have to miss her cousin's wedding. She will not be able to attend the wedding function as she will be busy promoting her up-comings Raaz 3 & Chakravyuh. “The wedding is going to be a grand affair starting from 24th August to 17th September. There will also be some royal pre-wedding functions that will be held in Delhi, Jodhpur and Ludhiana. I and my family are all very excited about it. But I am feeling sad at the same time because I won’t be able to attend any of the functions. As RAAZ 3 and CHAKRAVYUH are nearing its release dates, we will be very busy with its promotions, media meets, city tours and other things. I really don’t want to miss it as it will be the first wedding in our family, but I have no option" Said Esha Gupta. Source: Page3