Tigmanshu Dhulia’s Paan Singh Tomar, a real-life story of athlete-turned-dacoit, was today named the best picture at the 60th National Film awards while its male star Irrfan Khan shared the best actor honour with Vikram Gokhale for Marathi film Anumati. Usha Jadhav was adjudged the best actress for her portrayal of a rustic housewife in Marathi film Dhag while filmmaker Shivaji Lotan Patil was declared the best director. Bollywood films shared the spotlight with Malayalam and Marathi cinema in the key categories at the awards this year. Bedabrata Pain’s debut Hindi film Chittagong, about Chittagong uprising, shared Indira Gandhi award for best debut film with Siddhartha Siva’s Malayalam film 101 Chodiyangal. Hindi Vicky Donor, John Abraham produced film on sperm donation, shared the best popular film providing wholesome entertainment honour with Malayalam film Ustad Hotel, by director Anwar Rasheed. Vicky Donor actors Annu Kapoor and Dolly Ahluwalia were best supporting actor and actress. Ahluwalia shared supporting actress credit with Kalpana for Malayalam film Thanichalla Njan. Director Sujoy Ghosh was declared the best original screenplay writer for his Vidya Balan starrer thriller Kahaani while another Hindi film Oh My God won the best adapted screenplay for Bhavesh Mandalia and Umesh Shukhla. Kahaani was also named the best edited film (Namrata Rao) of the year. Bolo Na from Chittagong won the best lyrics for Prasoon Joshi and best male playback singer for Shankar Mahadevan. Aarti Anklekar Tikekar was named the best female playback singer for Palakein Naa Moondoon from Marathi film Samhita. Source: The Asian Age,
National Awards: Paan Singh Tomar best film, Irrfan best actor
Tigmanshu Dhulia’s Paan Singh Tomar, a real-life story of athlete-turned-dacoit, was today named the best picture at the 60th National Film awards while its male star Irrfan Khan shared the best actor honour with Vikram Gokhale for Marathi film Anumati. Usha Jadhav was adjudged the best actress for her portrayal of a rustic housewife in Marathi film Dhag while filmmaker Shivaji Lotan Patil was declared the best director. Bollywood films shared the spotlight with Malayalam and Marathi cinema in the key categories at the awards this year. Bedabrata Pain’s debut Hindi film Chittagong, about Chittagong uprising, shared Indira Gandhi award for best debut film with Siddhartha Siva’s Malayalam film 101 Chodiyangal. Hindi Vicky Donor, John Abraham produced film on sperm donation, shared the best popular film providing wholesome entertainment honour with Malayalam film Ustad Hotel, by director Anwar Rasheed. Vicky Donor actors Annu Kapoor and Dolly Ahluwalia were best supporting actor and actress. Ahluwalia shared supporting actress credit with Kalpana for Malayalam film Thanichalla Njan. Director Sujoy Ghosh was declared the best original screenplay writer for his Vidya Balan starrer thriller Kahaani while another Hindi film Oh My God won the best adapted screenplay for Bhavesh Mandalia and Umesh Shukhla. Kahaani was also named the best edited film (Namrata Rao) of the year. Bolo Na from Chittagong won the best lyrics for Prasoon Joshi and best male playback singer for Shankar Mahadevan. Aarti Anklekar Tikekar was named the best female playback singer for Palakein Naa Moondoon from Marathi film Samhita. Source: The Asian Age,