Screen India, Agencies: Actor Daniel Craig says that James Bond will be much softer than the one he portrayed in both 2006's 'Casino Royale' and 2008's 'Quantum of Solace'. The 44-year-old actor said that his Bond will not be broken-hearted as the previous film, reported Ace Showbiz."He's much softer and nicer now. It's just different hopefully, it's different again from 'Casino Royale'. He was hurt and broken-hearted; he's not so broken-hearted. He's on the mend; he's feeling much better," Craig said. Instead of seeing Bond as a heroic man, Craig branded the flamboyant spy a 'flawed character'. "His attitude towards women and his attitude towards the world is very dubious, but I think that's interesting, and I think if you throw him into a situation with really strong characters and you watch them battle it out, then I think it just makes for interesting watching," he added. Source: Screen India, Image: