The very stylish and sweet Kalki Koechlin accompanied her hubby dear Anurag Kashyap, at the ongoing Cannes Film Festival. The actress looked stunning in a Dior resort ensemble. However, the fashion police had complains with her dress as the color of the outfit looked pale on her. Since she is fair complexioned, a
darker color would have looked even more lovely on the actress. Completing her look with a retro-updo, a statement necklace, a Dior clutch, and neutral make-up, we think Kalki looked stunning. Anurag Kashyap accompanied with his wife, Kalki Koechlin, and the entire cast of Gangs Of Wasseypur showcased their film at the ongoing film festival. Source: GaramGossips
darker color would have looked even more lovely on the actress. Completing her look with a retro-updo, a statement necklace, a Dior clutch, and neutral make-up, we think Kalki looked stunning. Anurag Kashyap accompanied with his wife, Kalki Koechlin, and the entire cast of Gangs Of Wasseypur showcased their film at the ongoing film festival. Source: GaramGossips