By Gahoi Ad Online Media: Recently, news had it that filmmaker Karan Johar had taken a potshot on Katrina Kaif’s style of posing on magazine covers. However, when questioned, he denied making any such comments. “Absolutely crazy media report suggesting I have said something about Katrina! I have not! Its totally baseless and a lie,” posted the 39-year-old. If media reports are to go by, Karan Johar was overheard making fun of Katrina Kaif’s poses. Not jus that. Johar also mimicked a few of her poses. Rubbishing all reports, Karan tells, “Katrina is not only a dear friend but also a supremely talented and hard-working superstar! And all this reportage is ridiculous,” he tweeted. Source: GaramGossips
Karan Johar makes fun of Katrina Kaif’s poses
By Gahoi Ad Online Media: Recently, news had it that filmmaker Karan Johar had taken a potshot on Katrina Kaif’s style of posing on magazine covers. However, when questioned, he denied making any such comments. “Absolutely crazy media report suggesting I have said something about Katrina! I have not! Its totally baseless and a lie,” posted the 39-year-old. If media reports are to go by, Karan Johar was overheard making fun of Katrina Kaif’s poses. Not jus that. Johar also mimicked a few of her poses. Rubbishing all reports, Karan tells, “Katrina is not only a dear friend but also a supremely talented and hard-working superstar! And all this reportage is ridiculous,” he tweeted. Source: GaramGossips
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