The Ultimate Update: Gorgeous Bollywood actor and the co-owner of Indian Premiere League (IPL) franchisee Rajasthan Royals, Shilpa Shetty gave birth to a baby boy at a Mumbai hospital early Monday. She was admitted to Hinduja Healthcare hospital in Khar and was blessed with a boy at the break of the dawn. Both mother and baby are doing fine, said doctors. Raj and the entire family were present at the time of birth. "God has blessed us with a beautiful baby boy. Both mother and baby are fine. I am thrilled to bits!!!!!!," tweeted her husband and businessman Raj Kundra."A big thank you to my wife @TheShilpaShetty for the bestest gift ever, DR Kiran Cohelo and all the staff at Hinduja Hospital!" Kundra posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.Shetty married Kundra in 2009. Source: The Ultimate Update
Shilpa Shetty gave birth to a baby boy
The Ultimate Update: Gorgeous Bollywood actor and the co-owner of Indian Premiere League (IPL) franchisee Rajasthan Royals, Shilpa Shetty gave birth to a baby boy at a Mumbai hospital early Monday. She was admitted to Hinduja Healthcare hospital in Khar and was blessed with a boy at the break of the dawn. Both mother and baby are doing fine, said doctors. Raj and the entire family were present at the time of birth. "God has blessed us with a beautiful baby boy. Both mother and baby are fine. I am thrilled to bits!!!!!!," tweeted her husband and businessman Raj Kundra."A big thank you to my wife @TheShilpaShetty for the bestest gift ever, DR Kiran Cohelo and all the staff at Hinduja Hospital!" Kundra posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.Shetty married Kundra in 2009. Source: The Ultimate Update
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