Co-produced by 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios, the fourth installment of the "Ice Age" movie franchise has set a late July release date in China, reports. "Ice Age: Continental Drift" will kick off its screening schedule on July 27 in 3D and DMAX/3D screens. A Chinese trailer for the movie also was released today. The protagonists of the film franchise will experience a new adventure during a continental drift caused by a squirrel. The movie will be shown on DMAX, a large film screen made with Chinese independent technology. As Canada-based IMAX Corporation expands its business in China, DMAX is aiming to break its monopoly as a domestic brand.'Source:
'Ice Age 4' to be unveiled in China in DMAX
Co-produced by 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios, the fourth installment of the "Ice Age" movie franchise has set a late July release date in China, reports. "Ice Age: Continental Drift" will kick off its screening schedule on July 27 in 3D and DMAX/3D screens. A Chinese trailer for the movie also was released today. The protagonists of the film franchise will experience a new adventure during a continental drift caused by a squirrel. The movie will be shown on DMAX, a large film screen made with Chinese independent technology. As Canada-based IMAX Corporation expands its business in China, DMAX is aiming to break its monopoly as a domestic brand.'Source:
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