According to a survey conducted bollywood’s hottest stars Anushka Sharma and John Abraham have topped the list of best bikini and beach body in India while Jessica Alba and David Beckham dominated globally. The Badmaash Company actress received 11 percent votes to top the list while Sunny Leone from Jism2 and actress Deepika Padukone came in second with 9 percent votes each. Priyanka Chopra and Bipasha Basu came in third with 7 percent votes each. Actress Kareena Kapoor, Katrina Kaif and Nargis Fakhri rounded off the top 5 list, told the survey. In the male celebrities, John swept the poll with 20 percent votes for the best beach body thanks to him showing off sexy body with butt in Dostana. Hrithik came in second with 17 percent votes while Sallu came third with 7 percent votes. The top 5 was rounded up by Ranveer singh, Ranbeer kapoor and Arjun rampal. Source: GaramGossips
Anushka Sharma and John Abraham have topped the list of best bikini and beach body
According to a survey conducted bollywood’s hottest stars Anushka Sharma and John Abraham have topped the list of best bikini and beach body in India while Jessica Alba and David Beckham dominated globally. The Badmaash Company actress received 11 percent votes to top the list while Sunny Leone from Jism2 and actress Deepika Padukone came in second with 9 percent votes each. Priyanka Chopra and Bipasha Basu came in third with 7 percent votes each. Actress Kareena Kapoor, Katrina Kaif and Nargis Fakhri rounded off the top 5 list, told the survey. In the male celebrities, John swept the poll with 20 percent votes for the best beach body thanks to him showing off sexy body with butt in Dostana. Hrithik came in second with 17 percent votes while Sallu came third with 7 percent votes. The top 5 was rounded up by Ranveer singh, Ranbeer kapoor and Arjun rampal. Source: GaramGossips
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