Ekta Kapoor, who is producing "Shootout At Wadala", has decided to push the release date of the film to 2013 to keep away from any clash with Aamir Khan's "Talaash". She tells she doesn't want to take on such "mammoth" competition. "'Talaash' is coming on Nov 30. How can we decide to take on the mammoth Aamir Khan? I don't want to compete with him, absolutely not," Ekta said. "Shootout At Wadala", a prequel to "Shootout At Lokhandwala", was earlier supposed to release Dec 7. But since Aamir's "Talaash" will either release in November-end or in the first week of December, "Shootout At Wadala" will now hit the screens Jan 18, 2013. Ekta assures that audience have a lot to look forward to in the Sanjay Gupta-directed "Shootout At Wadala", which features Anil Kapoor, John Abraham, Kangna Ranaut, Sonu Sood, Manoj Bajpai, Tusshar Kapoor, Ronit Roy and Mahesh Manjrekar. Source: GaramGossips