Madhuri Dixit says the reason behind her shifting base from the US to Mumbai last year, was that her kids should know their roots. And so, taking out time from her busy schedule, the actor, along with husband cardiac surgeon Dr Sriram Nene and kids, visited the Taj Mahal recently, and her ancestral hometown Konkan before that. “Konkan is a beautiful area. My kids were fascinated to see buffaloes... It’s important that they know their roots as it’s a part of who we are,” she says. Shift focus to her husband, who of late has been seen at most public events with her, and Madhuri says: “We are a team and we support each other. When he was busy with his work back in the US, I made his life easy by taking care of everything else. He’s doing the same for me now.” And, Dr Nene seems to have adapted well to the constant limelight that his wife is in. As Madhuri gave the interview, he clicked pictures from his phone, and suggested changes in her pose as per the light falling on her. “We both know that our life is much more beyond this glamour and limelight, so we behave accordingly. We are professionals for each other. I entertain people and he saves lives,” she says. On Konkan: Konkan is a beautiful area. We went there to visit our roots. We wanted our kids to see how people work in a farm. On her hubby: We are a team and we support each other. When he was busy with work back in the US, I supported him. Source: Hindustan Times, Image: