Actor Riteish Deshmukh, who would be next seen in adult comedy, 'Kya Super Kool Hai Hum', says it is important to maintain some kind of innocence in such films without going overboard. After the success of 'Kyaa Kool Hai Hum' in 2005, Riteish is again pairing up with Tusshar Kapoor in this sequel to tickle the funny bone of the audience. Tusshar plays a struggling actor, while Riteish is a struggling DJ. The duo play innocent men, who inadvertently get into trouble doing things. Also, both the actors are set to get dirtier with their acts in the sequel. "While we were enacting few scenes for 'Kya Kool Hai Hum', we had no idea how the audience would react to those scenes, as we were attempting something new and different. We were trying to maintain the innocence. What happens is when you have a film like this, an adult comedy to maintain innocence in it is important," Riteish told reporters last evening, after unveiling the first look of the sequel. "That time when we were working we were thinking how we would maintain things rightly," he said. And it was the storyline that forced him to do the film. "Tusshar and I had read one-two scripts, for this sequel, but nothing interested us that time. But this time around, Sachin came up with this script and it was accepted by Ekta Kapoor (producer), even when I read it I also liked it. Script was the main reason for me to do this sequel," he said. "There is uniqueness and newness to the storyline, it takes from where the two characters left..humor is also of new kind. The humor quotient and the way of presenting it is also different." The film directed by Sachin Yardi, besides featuring the duo - - Tusshar and Riteish -, stars Neha Sharma and Sarah Jane Dias, who are the new additions to the second installment. The trailer, available on the web, opens with the signature tune and some shots from 'Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham'. It further shows that how Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Kajol and Jaya Bachchan are being shown as thoroughly disgusted with the obscene acts of Tusshar and Riteish. "When we use any footage of other film it cannot be given without the permission of the filmmaker. I must say, hats off to Karan, who has a great sense of humor. `Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham - - is a cult classic family movie, not many people would have the guts to make fun of their film. But to understand and have a sense of humor is important," Riteish said. "It ('Kya Super Kool Hai Hum') is not a family film and we are trying to say that through by using Karan's film. We are not making fun of his film, instead we are making fun of our film by saying it is not a family film. It is not about getting family together, but having fun and enjoying," he said. Source: Screen India, Image:
Its important to maintain innocence in adult comedy: Riteish Deshmukh
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