She has acted in around 50 films till date, but Kareena Kapoor has never had a brush with South Indian cinema. That is until now. If things go well, the actor will be seen in a multi-lingual film with Tamil actor Karan. For the same venture, Kareena has been apparently offered a whoppingRs. 8 crore. “Kareena, who is impressed with the concept, has asked for the script before taking things to the next level. She feels there’s no point talking about the money or other details unless she likes the script. Now the makers will
send the script ” to Bebo, says an insider close to the actor. Kareena and Karan have already worked together in the Mahindra Duro scooty ad. “Director/ producer Vadivudayan is going to make the film on a Rs. 80-100 crore budget,” adds the insider, adding that the actor will take the final call only after her wedding. Titled Sokkanathan in Tamil, the film will be made in Telugu and Hindi as well. Source: Hindustan Times
send the script ” to Bebo, says an insider close to the actor. Kareena and Karan have already worked together in the Mahindra Duro scooty ad. “Director/ producer Vadivudayan is going to make the film on a Rs. 80-100 crore budget,” adds the insider, adding that the actor will take the final call only after her wedding. Titled Sokkanathan in Tamil, the film will be made in Telugu and Hindi as well. Source: Hindustan Times