They may be called the newer version of James Bond. Israel's "fearsome" secret service has developed a new breed of spies -- seductive young women who can flirt their way into deciphering enemy secrets. Five highly-trained women agents have spoken out for the first time, saying that any means was "valid" when it comes to deploying their feminine wiles, though they would draw the line at sleeping with the enemy, the Daily Mail reported. The agents spoke to Israeli magazine Lady Globes about their extraordinary lifestyle which makes them feel as if they are "living in a movie". The Mail report said the most notable deployment of the women's unique talents came in 1986, when one agent "seduced" a turncoat former nuclear engineer and "lured him into a trap" so that he could be taken back to Israel. A current agent who calls herself "Yael" said women often have an advantage over men, as they were more likely to be trusted by strangers. Another spy, "Efrat", said they use their femininity "because any means is valid". But there were things she and her comrades would not do. "Women agents are not used for sexual purposes. We flirt, but the line is drawn at sex," she told the magazine. However, not all their work is glamorous. A 38-year-old spy called "Ella" said she leaves a secure home, her husband and three small children "sleeping safely in their beds with tears welling in my eyes and a growing lump in my throat". Tamir Pardo, chief of intelligence agency Mossad, told the magazine that around half of the agency's spies are women. "Women have a distinct advantage in secret warfare because of their ability to multitask," he said. "Contrary to stereotypes, you see that women's abilities are superior to men in terms of understanding the territory, reading situations, spatial awareness. When they're good, they're very good," he was quoted as saying. Source: Hindustan Times