**SPOILER ALERT** Some major stuff is set to gown in the third season of HBO's medieval fantasy drama Game of Thrones, and if you've read the third book in George R.R. Martin's "A Song Of Ice And Fire" saga, "A Storm Of Swords," then you probably know that some big weddings are about to happen. The book is being split in two for seasons three and four (the novelization was split into two publications in 2011: part one: "Steel and Snow" and part two: "Blood and Gold"), and the rumored denouement is the epic Red Wedding; and HBO recently sent out a casting call in Northern Ireland "Seeking LEG ONLY, MALE AMPUTEES." Those that read Storm already know what the 'red' pertains to in Red Wedding, and is the major turning point where house Stark loses two more major players in as equally shocking a fashion as patriarch Ned's beheading at the end of season one. The battle -- massacre, actually -- that ensues after Catelyn's brother Edmure weds Walder Frey's fifth daughter, Roslyn, calls for some major maimings. "You must be OK and comfortable with filming a scene within the context of a battle where your leg has been injured," the notice at Extras NI reads. "Prosthetic makeup will be applied as though your leg has newly been severed. We understand that this is not for everyone, so please only apply if you are happy to participate." Photos, current measurements and a description of where the limb is missing are also requested; and the filming will take place Friday night (Oct. 12). Producers are also looking for cellists with "medieval or period faces (i.e. long hair & beard), presumably to provide some of the music at the wedding before all hell breaks loose. The new season kicks off on March 31, 2013. Stay tuned for more spoilers... © 2012 Starpulse.com, Photo Credits: © HBO, Source: Starpulse