In many ways, celebrities are just like regular folk, including how they spend the holidays. LL Cool J said he plans on eating - A LOT. He told ET online, "Just stick my face in the plate as deep as possible." "Twilight" star Kristen Stewart says she loves Christmas and is looking forward to having some time off because she's been so busy working. The actress spent November promoting "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2" and is also busy promoting "On The Road." "Les Miserables" star Amanda Seyfriend is going home to spend time with her family. "We're going to be opening presents and the same old traditional stuff. It's kind of nice," she said. Her co-star Russell Crowe will be heading back to Australia to spend time with his children. "We'll just be hanging out together - pretty low key," he said. Selena Gomez will go home and sleep and hang out with her grandparents. Check out more in the video below: Source:
Celebrities Reveal What They Have Planned For The Holidays
In many ways, celebrities are just like regular folk, including how they spend the holidays. LL Cool J said he plans on eating - A LOT. He told ET online, "Just stick my face in the plate as deep as possible." "Twilight" star Kristen Stewart says she loves Christmas and is looking forward to having some time off because she's been so busy working. The actress spent November promoting "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2" and is also busy promoting "On The Road." "Les Miserables" star Amanda Seyfriend is going home to spend time with her family. "We're going to be opening presents and the same old traditional stuff. It's kind of nice," she said. Her co-star Russell Crowe will be heading back to Australia to spend time with his children. "We'll just be hanging out together - pretty low key," he said. Selena Gomez will go home and sleep and hang out with her grandparents. Check out more in the video below: Source:
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