The trailer of Ranbir Kapoor’s next release ‘Besharam’ has already caused a stir in the cyber world among Shahrukh Khan fans who have reacted to the alleged digs against Shahrukh and Salman Khan made in the trailer. The clip has already received close to a million hits online and one of the scenes in it has Ranbir crooning an off-key version of ‘Tujhe Dekha To Ye Jaana Sanam’ from ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’ (DDLJ) while urinating in a mustard field which is a obvious reference to one of SRK’s most popular reel moments. Another dialogue, “Naam Chulbul rakhne se, koi Dabangg nai banjaata,” has irked Salman Khan fans on the other hand. Some Salman fans took to Twitter to post tweets like,”Ranbir Kapoor mocking SRK in an iconic Tujhe Dekha song while peeing in the #Besharam trailer proves that he still needs to grow up. #crap (sic).” Yet another fan tweeted, “Ranbir copies SRK poise and Salman style. Both r impossible to do (sic).” Director Besharam Abhinav Kashyap, who had also helmed Salman’s monster hit Dabangg, explained the Khan connection saying, “There was no glimpse of Salman. Chulbul is a name, and it has come from me. I can make fun of myself.” The filmmaker said that the DDLJ number opens the trailer to convey that the film is a romantic comedy. Source: Bollywood3, Image: