JAN 25, 2020 MUMBAI: A 25-year-old television actor allegedly committed suicide at her residence on Mira Road in the neighbouring Thane district of Maharashtra, police said on Saturday. Sejal Sharma was found hanging from the ceiling of her rented flat in Royal Nest society at Mira Road (East) by a friend in the early hours of Friday, an official said. Sharma was rushed to a nearby hospital, where she was declared dead on arrival, he added. The police had recovered a suicide note in which Sharma had said that she was taking the extreme step due to personal reasons, the official said. A native of Udaipur in Rajasthan, Sharma had come to Mumbai a few years ago to pursue a career in acting, and was working in the TV serial ‘Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji', he said. Following the autopsy, the body was handed over to her family, the official said, adding that a case of accidental death had been registered at Mira Road police station. Copyright © Jammu Links News Source: Jammu Links News