MUMBAI: Bollywood actors Kiara Advani, Kriti Sanon and singer AP Dhillon lit the stage of the grand opening ceremony of the inaugural season of the Women's Premier League (WPL) at DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai on Saturday. Kriti wore a silver-coloured sleeveless top teaming it up with a neon-green-coloured long skirt. She matched her steps with the beats of her latest hit 'Thumkeswari'. The new bride of the tinsel town Kiara Advani wore a hot pink bodycon dress and grooved to 'Kya baat hai...' AP Dhillon in his signature style made the audience dance with his 'Brown Munde' song. The audience cheered for the performers. The trophy of the inaugural season was unveiled in presence of captains of all five teams, Smriti Mandhana (Royal Challengers Bangalore), Harmanpreet Kaur (Mumbai Indians), Meg Lanning (Delhi Capitals), Beth Mooney (Gujarat Giants) and Alyssa Healy (UP Warriorz). Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) President Roger Binny, Vice-President Rajeev Shukla, and Secretary Jay Shah, Treasurer Ashish Shelar and IPL Chairman Arun Dhumal were also present on the occasion. The league started today at Mumbai's DY Patil Stadium with a blockbuster clash between Gujarat Giants and Mumbai Indians. On Sunday, March 5, the WPL will have its first double-header day where Royal Challengers Bangalore will square off against Delhi Capitals at the Brabourne Stadium, CCI. UP Warriorz will play their first game of the league against Gujarat Giants at the DY Patil Stadium in the evening. In its first season, the Women's Premier League will stage a total of 20 league matches and two Playoff games that will be played in a duration of 23 days., Copyright © Jammu Links News Source - Jammu Links News