Priyanka Chopra is one of the most well-known actresses in Bollywood. After achieving remarkable success in the Indian film industry, she moved to Hollywood and went on to become a global celebrity. The actress and popular singer Nick Jonas have been happily married since 2018. Their daughter, Maltie Marie Chopra Jonas, was born in 2022, and the pair is happy that she is a child. Even though she is no longer in India, the actress uses social media to stay in contact with her worldwide fan base. The actress previously revealed another behind-the-scenes glimpse into her workout regimen, flaunting her toned body as she returns to her "work energy." Following a workout, Priyanka Chopra shared a stunning mirror picture on her Instagram stories a while back on February 29. She may be seen in the photo flaunting her toned figure while dressed in gray exercise gear. As she gets ready to return to work, it's clear that the actress has put in a lot of effort at the gym to maintain her dream figure. She added, "It's giving...finally going back to work energy (accompanied by tongue squinting emoji)" to the photo when she shared it. Source: Gossips4fans