Bollywood film lovers will soon be lucky enough to witness hot romance between Ranveer Singh and Kareena Kapoor. Sanjay Leela Bhansali will be wielding the mega phone after a long gap of two years. His earlier movie Guzaarish was released in 2010. Sanjay confirmed that he will be casting Ranvir and Kareena in his project which is based on Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'. Buzz is the movie is tentatively titled 'Ram Leela'. Sanjay was delighted that his dream of working with Kareena is turning a reality after a wait of 13 long years. He tells. “We have wanted to work together for a while and I am immensely excited. We met for the first time around the release of Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam (1999). She was working on her debut Refugee (2000) then, so we’ve been constantly thinking about talking to each other. I’m happy that this has finally worked out now”. Speaking about his hero Ranveer Singh he said he was very much impressed with Ranveer's performance in his debut film 'Band Baja Barat'. For Ranveer Singh, this should be the ultimate break in his career, since it’s undoubtedly the biggest film that he has signed till date. He was last seen in the Yash Raj film ‘Ladies v/s Ricky Behl’. Many hope that this is the biggest break in his career and even Bhansali assures that the film will be mass Masala entertainer. The movie will be shot in Gujarat with full of romantic songs. Source: GaramGossips