Taking a dig at Salman Khan, actor Vivek Oberoi on Wednesday said 'Sher' is bigger than 'Tiger', referring to the titles of their upcoming movies. Salman and Vivek are gearing up for their forthcoming projects 'Ek Tha Tiger' and 'Sher' respectively. Tell us: Who is bigger -- Sher or Tiger? Vivek said, “We are all wild enthusiasts. And as far as my knowledge goes, I think 'Sher' is bigger than 'Tiger'.” Salman would be seen playing the role of a RAW agent in the Yash Raj film. The theatrical trailer is out and has garnered positive response. The movie is directed by Kabir Khan is slated to release in August. Vivek's 'Sher' is an action-thriller directed by Soham Shah. When reminded about Salman's yet another upcoming film titled 'Sher Khan', Vivek said, “It is a good thing... the city is filled with 'Sher(s)'.” Relationship between the two actors soured a few years ago after a huge fight over Aishwarya Rai, when Vivek had called a press conference to say Salman had threatened him. Vivek was speaking today on the sidelines of launching the 'Cigarette Bujhao Life Banao' campaign to mark World Tobacco Day. On smoking habits of actors like Salman and Shah Rukh Khan, Vivek said, “I know that they acknowledge that smoking is bad habit. But it's an individual decision. Source: Screen India, Image: flickr.com
'Sher' bigger than 'Tiger': Vivek Oberoi
Taking a dig at Salman Khan, actor Vivek Oberoi on Wednesday said 'Sher' is bigger than 'Tiger', referring to the titles of their upcoming movies. Salman and Vivek are gearing up for their forthcoming projects 'Ek Tha Tiger' and 'Sher' respectively. Tell us: Who is bigger -- Sher or Tiger? Vivek said, “We are all wild enthusiasts. And as far as my knowledge goes, I think 'Sher' is bigger than 'Tiger'.” Salman would be seen playing the role of a RAW agent in the Yash Raj film. The theatrical trailer is out and has garnered positive response. The movie is directed by Kabir Khan is slated to release in August. Vivek's 'Sher' is an action-thriller directed by Soham Shah. When reminded about Salman's yet another upcoming film titled 'Sher Khan', Vivek said, “It is a good thing... the city is filled with 'Sher(s)'.” Relationship between the two actors soured a few years ago after a huge fight over Aishwarya Rai, when Vivek had called a press conference to say Salman had threatened him. Vivek was speaking today on the sidelines of launching the 'Cigarette Bujhao Life Banao' campaign to mark World Tobacco Day. On smoking habits of actors like Salman and Shah Rukh Khan, Vivek said, “I know that they acknowledge that smoking is bad habit. But it's an individual decision. Source: Screen India, Image: flickr.com
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