Sushant Singh Rajput became an overnight sensation with his debut Bollywood film Kai Po Che and now, the actor will be seen in Yash Raj Films' upcoming movie Shuddh Desi Romance. The trailer of the movie has got a great response from the audiences and Rajput's family and friends too have appreciated it. Sushant, who belongs to Patna, is very keen to promote the film there and has also requested YRF to promote the film in his hometown. Sushant also wanted to promote his debut film in Patna however, he couldn't do so as he proposed the idea to the makers very late and hence the logistics couldn't be worked
out. But this time, the actor didn't waste any time and spoke to the production house well in advance. Spokesperson of the film confirms, "Sushant is very keen to promote the film in his hometown Patna. Having come from the city he is emotionally tied to the city and would love to visit his town with his co-stars - Parineeti and Vaani. We are yet to freeze on the promotion plans but we will take a call on it soon." Directed by Maneesh Sharma, the film also stars Parineeti Chopra and Vaani Kapoor and is slated to hit the theaters on September 6, 2013. Source: Article, 'Shuddh Desi Romance' Box Office Collection: Parineeti-Sushant Holds Well in Week 2: Romantic comedy "Shuddh Desi Romance" is holding well in theatres in its second week as well. The youth-centric film has raked in a total of 39.82 crore within nine days from the domestic box office. Given the fact that the film was released in limited
out. But this time, the actor didn't waste any time and spoke to the production house well in advance. Spokesperson of the film confirms, "Sushant is very keen to promote the film in his hometown Patna. Having come from the city he is emotionally tied to the city and would love to visit his town with his co-stars - Parineeti and Vaani. We are yet to freeze on the promotion plans but we will take a call on it soon." Directed by Maneesh Sharma, the film also stars Parineeti Chopra and Vaani Kapoor and is slated to hit the theaters on September 6, 2013. Source: Article, 'Shuddh Desi Romance' Box Office Collection: Parineeti-Sushant Holds Well in Week 2: Romantic comedy "Shuddh Desi Romance" is holding well in theatres in its second week as well. The youth-centric film has raked in a total of 39.82 crore within nine days from the domestic box office. Given the fact that the film was released in limited
screens, along with the much hyped multi-starrer "Zanjeer", the film has received good response in India. Despite three new releases, "Grand Masti", "Horror Story" and "John Day", the Maneesh Sharma directorial has a strong hold in theatres. In its second week, the film did a business of around ₹1.23 crore and ₹2.01 crore on Friday and Saturday, respectively. "#ShuddhDesiRomance Fri 1.23 Cr, Sat 2.01 Cr. Wk 2 Total 3.24 Cr. Grand Total 39.82 Cr," trade analyst Taran Adarsh posted on Twitter. 'Source: Article