The first trailer of Madhuri Dixit, Juhi Chawla-starrer Gulaab Gang is out. Soumik Sen's directorial debut is a war between good and evil. Both Madhuri and Juhi portray strong characters in the film. While Madhuri plays the leader of a women's group in village, Juhi essays the role of a politician. In the two-and-a-half minute trailer, patriarchy takes a beating as Madhuri spouts dialogues till now considered a hallmark of the angry young men in Bollywood. Juhi's smooth, guiltless evil portrayal reminds one of Manoj Bajpayee! Some of the wonderfully written dialogues in there are worth a mention. Madhuri says:
Hamare yaha ek kahawat hai... danda sabka pir hota hai. Rod is God. After throwing a man on the ground with eleventh slap, Madhuri says: Hamare yaha 11 ko shagun mante hain. Juhi tells Madhuri: Chappar fad ke de sakti hun aur chappal fad ke bhi. Madhuri responds to a similar dialogue with: Niche wali jab leti hai to patloon fad ke leti hai. The film, produced by Anubhav Sinha, is slated for release on March 7. Source: Hindustan Times
Hamare yaha ek kahawat hai... danda sabka pir hota hai. Rod is God. After throwing a man on the ground with eleventh slap, Madhuri says: Hamare yaha 11 ko shagun mante hain. Juhi tells Madhuri: Chappar fad ke de sakti hun aur chappal fad ke bhi. Madhuri responds to a similar dialogue with: Niche wali jab leti hai to patloon fad ke leti hai. The film, produced by Anubhav Sinha, is slated for release on March 7. Source: Hindustan Times