With Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone playing leads in upcoming Hollywood productions, fans are ecstatic. But this is not the first time. Bollywood actresses have walked this road earlier also but unfortunately it couldn’t turn out well for all. Let’s have a look at four such actresses and hope the Hollywood fame which Priyanka and Deepika have got, stays for long...
- Pioneer one: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan: She is the first Indian actress to act in a Hollywood film. Aishwarya was paired opposite comedian Steve Martin in The Pink Panther 2. She has also acted in Bride and Prejudice, Mistress of Spices and Provoked: A true story. Voted as one of the most beautiful women in the world, Ash’s sex appeal has won over millions but she couldn’t make a strong mark in Hollywood. Her achievements include jury membership at Cannes Film Festival and International Brand ambassador for L’Oreal.
- Hisss-ing away: Malika Sherawat, She worked in Hollywood projects like The Myth with Jackie Chan, Hisss and Politics of Love. The outcome from these International projects is her publicity exercises like catching hold of Hollywood celebrities during her LA jaunts to pose with her for pictures. In a recent social media post, she even claimed that she is on good terms with US President Barack Obama.
- Good job: TabuTabu, has acted in two Hollywood movies and she received good reviews for her acting. She was first seen in The Namesake and was later seen in the commercial hit Life of Pi which also featured Irrfan Khan and Suraj Sharma. Although Tabu got great appreciations for her work but Irrfan took the limelight.
- Long lasting: Freida Pinto, Pinto rose to prominence by playing the leading lady in the 2008 British drama film Slumdog Millionaire, a film that marked her debut. Since then she has starred in a number of British and American productions, notably You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Immortals and Trishna, where she played the titular character. She is the only Indian actress till now who has managed to stay in Hollywood for long. Source: http://www.tribuneindia.com/