The dream girl of Indian cinema, Hema Malini, feels there is no need for top notch actresses to endorse item songs."It's not my taste but people's taste has changed. What to do? People love to see all that. But I would like to say one thing that the big heroines who have earned a name for themselves don't need to do item numbers. There are a lot of other people to do item numbers," she said at an event celebrating 100 years of Indian cinema in Mumbai. Recently some of the item songs like Katrina Kaif’s Sheila ki jawani and Chikni Chameli, Deepika Padukone's Dum maaro dum and Kareena Kapoor's Chammak challo became chartbusters. Hema does not personally like them and added: "The whole meaning of item numbers has changed from our time. Now they are Munni badnaam and some Jalebi and people like it. I personally don't like these songs." Hema, 63, has earned a name for herself in filmdom for her beautiful and charismatic dancing and acting abilities. She started her career with 1968 movie ‘Sapno Ka Saudagar’ and in her more than four decade career, she has done numerous films in like ‘Seeta Aur Geeta’ and ‘Sholay’ which earned her great acclaim at the box office. Hema is an acclaimed bharatanatayam dancer and does solo stage performances as well as with her two daughters - Esha and Ahana Deol. After beautiful dancers like Sridevi and Madhuri Dixit, from the current lot Hema appreciates Aishwarya Rai and Vidya Balan. "After Madhuri and Sridevi, I think Aishwarya is a nice dancer. She has done some good work. Vidya Balan is also nice. I have not seen anyone after that," said the actress who runs a classical dance institute Natyavihar Kalakendra. -IANS, Image Link Flickr, Source: The Hans India